Welcome to Nolan’s of Corbally

Home of  great food and the famous Slim and Trim high protein pack. Our approach combines the perfect mixture Between Traditional Butchery and food innovation that you will enjoy time and time again. It does not matter if you are looking for a tasty meal for the family or looking for a high protein pack, we have what you need while guarenteing you quality with every bite.

  • Healthy meets Tasty

    Healthy is not a flash diet and shouldn’t be a bland struggle, we believe healthy is a change of lifestyle for the best and we want to make sure that change is a tasty one. Our team works hard every day, innovating and creating the tasty and healthy solutions to help you make a sustainable change.

  • Healthy meets convenience

    We get it, you are busy! We live in a world where time is the most precious commodity we all have. Meal prepping is time consuming. We work to take the long winded prep out of your healthy options so you can spend your time doing things you love.

  • Healthy meets Happiness

    Taste + more spare time simply means happiness. Healthy lifestyle changes will most definitely make you happier, as will having more time, not to mention how good our slim an trim range actually tastes. Try it for yourself..